All Treatments are offered in a cleansed sacred space to ensure a trustful, safe environment for the delicate process of healing through Divine Light and Love.
Light Healing 1hr/$72- Light healingi is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing or palm healing. This unique treatment provides the removal of obstructions that block the smooth natural flow of energy caused by trauma, stress, fatigue and illness. Restore your body’s natural balance with this delicate treatment that promotes & supports emotional and physical well being.
Oracle/Ask Your Guides 1hr/$60 - Life can be challenging in many aspects. This reading is designed to not only guide you, the seeker, through present & upcoming events and challenges, but will also connect you directly with specific guides and Divine Helpers who are there to help you navigate through these transitions and challenges successfully.
The Shamans Oracle 1.5hrs/$72 - This innovative Oracle connects us directly to our prehistoric ancestors. Shaman, John Matthews and shamanic artist Wil Kinghan created this special deck inspired by authentic cave art. Their unique system can help you find answers to life’s most vital questions. This Oracle touches on ancestral memories and subconscious forces that influence us at the deepest level of being.